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One Punch KO During Concert
Down in the mosh-pit is not the pace to be if you just came to listen to the music - The ringing in his ears lasted the rest of the band's set... thankfully.
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Japan has been the World leader in WTF? for generations now, so it only seems fitting that they bring that particular set of skills into the world of web camming!
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Someone needs to give her a few lessons in the art of the mouth coiture, I pity this poor guy, however cute this girl looks I'd run VERY FAST !!!
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A heartfelt story of a little girl and a life-long fan's unforgettable experience at the 2016 UEFA European Championship.
Comments: 2
Ever wished you could have a conversation with your twleve year old self? I haven’t. Still, if it didn’t create a temporal paradox and destroy the very fabric of space-time, I might give myself some lottery results…
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As if attempting to rival the offense caused by his tax dodging ways, Jimmy Carr has devised this incredibly offensive Joke about the gays. Personally I still find his tax shenanigans more offensive.
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It's not easy being this guy. Not only does he desperately need a little emancipation and a few solid hours sleep, but also MOUSTACHE. It's not easy being him, due to large quantities of MOUSTACHE.
Comments: 80
It’s perfectly legitimate to call an emergency meeting of the board to meditate upon the best way to get inside a girl’s pants. That’s what collaborative team work is all about. ‘FAIL’ is not an option here people!
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If you work from home then one of your daily tasks, probably the hardest one, is fighting off your cat who is a constant distraction, trying to sit on your lap, your laptop, your head, your arm, your ear, you get the idea.
Comments: 2
This is Prof David Ley, you may remember him from his video using a vibrator to improve vocal range for singers and actors -Now with the aide of some boiled sweets. Spiffing.
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When you’ve surfed pretty much every surface on this giant surfboard of a planet — sea, sand, grass, snow, concrete — where do you go next? Well, you surf chain of course, which is fine, and not dangerous in the slightest?
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