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I Kissed A Nerd!
A parody of Katy Perry's, I Kissed A Girl. You've heard the song on Dr. Demento, now see the video starring Blythe Renay & Rissy Pelot of Damsels of Dorkington.
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Mashup artist Swede Mason has created a very addictive hook out of the jubilant sounds of these winter sports fans who turned up for the start of the skiing season at the Obergurgl-Hochgurgl ski resort.
Comments: 6
For a small business, choosing the right global suppliers and expanding into overseas markets can be daunting to say the least. You need to make sure you're making smart and safe choices. But how do you do that?
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Not only has he spent some serious years in a gym, he's also spent serious $$$ on some implants, all for the ladies. Seriously! What kind of chicks does this DIY douchebag think he's gonna attract with a physique real men weep?
Comments: 22
It's clear from this video that Europe is much more progressive than our friends over in America. They require their idiots to wear uniforms to identify themselves in public - It's almost an art form!
Comments: 3
It’s got Lego, it’s got video game characters, it’s got slow-mo. It’s got exploding head shots. What more could anyone possibly want from a video, or for that matter, from life in general?
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The lesson for today is the importance of that final quarter turn in a backflip. I think our hero will remember this one for awhile.
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Getting a tattoo when you're drunk is a really bad idea, but I think even in my drunkest of states I wouldn't be able to come up with tattoos as bad as these. However, i'm so glad these idiiots don't think like me. LOL
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A company called Reliable Crane Service raises their boom to the back of a house but as they try to lift a tree the entire truck crashes through this guys living room.
Comments: 1
Is your husband or boyfriend playing too much World of Warcraft? Perhaps they should see Dr. Sokol and turn their regular life into the game.
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A group of paramedics rush to assist and injured player off the field but end up dropping him on his head.
Comments: 3