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Truck Jumps Crazy Fan During Race
Desert racing can always use a little more fan participation - This is one form of crowd activity i'm gonna definitely pass on - WTF!?!
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If you're a fan of the movie and like a bit of wub, you're in for a treat. It's way better than it sounds; each track is woven seamlessly into specially edited highlights from the film.
Comments: 1
If you were wondering where 'the buck stops', it's not here. It barely even breaks it's stride, going through this weedy mtb douche.
Comments: 4
Jimmy Kimmel tackles the tricky subject of public flashing. Can you tell just from looking at someone whether they're likely to flash you their chesticles? You might be surprised by some of the results...
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I know what you all are thinking, is that a typo or am i actually about to endure three and a half minutes of a cute chick stuffing her other oral cavity - Now there's the rub! Either way i think you will all be pleasantly surprised!
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If you’ve got zombies and guns in a movie, it doesn’t matter what the story is, as long as zombies come in after a few minutes and someone whips out a magnum and starts blowing undead skulls, everyone’ll be lapping it up.
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NEVER prank your older siblings - You know this kid got a beating off his big brother for this one.- LOL
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The atomic bomb has got a lot of negative press. Sure, they have the propensity for unparalelled devastation and atrocity, but play a bit of AC/DC over a montage video of nukes going off and it's totally AWESOME!!!
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The Roots' Tariq "Black Thought" Trotter recaps the plot lines of the first four seasons of HBO's Game of Thrones in the form of a catchy rap song on The Tonight Show—and it's the best kind of recap you can get.
Comments: 1
Kids never look where they are going. It’s one of the many privileges of being young. Once you’re an adult, there’s no excuse for walking into things and generally being careless. Christ. Being old is rubbish, isn’t it?
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Guards aren't always the sharpest of intellects but this guy has good reason to be confused. Even if he had the brains of Einstein or Carol Vorderman he'd probably still be a little perplexed by the proceedings. LOL.
Comments: 81