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Walk This Way!!!
Yep it's a video of a cat. Yep it's kinda stupid. It's not long though so if you want your fifteen seconds back, send us your details and we'll email you your chronomatic refund. We may even throw in a extra second for good measure.
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Brock Baker is the Man of a kajillion billion zillion voices - In just 3 minutes he manages to run through 18 characters from the TV show Family Guy, like a boss.
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This chick comes down hard on her face after falling for one of the oldest pranks in the book. It's weird, but the cuter they are the harder i laugh!
Comments: 1
It’s Animal from the Muppets in human form, how did this happen? Who cares, this guy’s frikking awesome, he should sack this bunch of no-hopers off and join a real rock & roll band - WTF!?!
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Everyone is anxiously awaiting his next song all about watermelon!
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If you’re a fan of burly Swedish men in blonde Viking wigs singing Abba, then for one, you might need to get out more. And two, this is your video. A performance that will have you reassessing your devotion to the original.
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Assorted destruction in super slow-mo. It’s mesmerizing stuff, I wish the world had a super slow-mo function like you had on GoldenEye on the N64. A hot girl walks by, super slow-mo that down.
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A kid captures a husband and wife crashing their personal helicopter in Tacoma, Washington over the weekend. Fortunately, both survived the accident with only minor injuries.
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You are a soldier in the elite Orbital Drop Shock Troopers battling the Covenant in a ruined city - AWESOMENESS!!!
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When the world runs out of cows, oh it will happen, then we'll have to drink breast milk. Ew, you say. Well in cheery old England those crazy Brits have already started making ice-cream with the stuff. The end must be nigh.
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It's always amused me what people think about when they train at the gym, after all, it's just repetitive exercise that does not require much thought - In this guys case i reckon he's training to become a dolphin - WTF!?!
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