Awesome Sports Photos
A gallery of sports photos that give an impressive new perspective. Maybe it's the fishbowl lens they're using or the way the pictures are framed, but each and every one is awesome to look at. Especially the upside-down skydiving one.
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Stormtroopers always get all the hot chicks. Say what you want about chicks digging rebels, but there's no arguing Stormtroopers get a lot more chicks!
Comments: 67
Time for some serious WTF, because, lets face it, everyone needs a bit of WTF in their life - Everything in this gallery is so stuffed with WTF that it'll make you eyes cross and your head explode. Or something like that. WTFtastic!
Comments: 0
This is your raw, live, unprocessed irony, none of that cheap created comedic irony, this stuff is from the streets. A lot of you will probably already see irony everywhere but for those who don't, here are some very clear examples.
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It's not true when people say you have to get ahead in life to enjoy all it's rich rewards, sometimes it's waay better to be the one 'behind', especially when it comes to cute chicks - Aint life a peach!
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They say a smile can light up a room, but lets face it, if it also comes with an epic package like this then it's time to put on your darkest shades and apply copious amount of sun-screen because these ladies are so hawt they will burn!
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'Cute Emo', isn't that some kind of surreal oxymoron, or is it? Ladies & gentlemen, i present a gaggle of Emo chicks that have to be scene to be believed, just don't ask them how ther are doing. EVER!
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A photo that you can keep hold of into your old age, that you can look back on and gaze into the full majesty of your youthful prime. Unfortunately for this lot, their prime was not very majestic. Fortunately for us, it was very amusing.
Comments: 2
Some of these won't apply but I guarantee that at least one or two will become part of your everyday life and will make you day run a lot smoother. Personally the spam filter one has been a life saver. Thank you, Life Hacks!
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What the hell would we do at Christmas if chicks weren't invented, can you imagine? Without mammaries of mass distraction man would probably have time to invent clean energy or annihilate each other, just for kicks!
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You can always tell who they are because luckily they'll have a tattoo that looks similar to one of these resting just above their buttocks. So if you get chatting to a hawt girl at the club, ask her to bend over before you get to the bedroom.
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