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Crazy Car Parking
OMG! I have no idea what's going on here but this takes bad driveway parking to a completely different level. Either the driver is having a bad day or the car is going through a major malfunction. WTF?
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What a difference a goal makes. All the big names of the game are here, Cristiano Ronaldo, Wayne Rooney and…Homer Simpson. It’s probably the only advert some people cream their pants over. AWESOME!!!
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The first trailer’s out for the second film from Frank Miller’s noir comic series Sin City. Feel free to let out a squeak of delight. And the main take away is, Jessica Alba’s stripper is back! Hooray!
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These scorching riffs have gotta make this Slash wannabe the top contender for the championship !
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Just because the sport was invented in America doesn't mean that the Japanese won't become totally kick-ass at it. They're Asians, if there's one thing they're good at it's being good at everything!
Comments: 3
So Google Fiber is coming to this guy's neighborhood, but instead of just shrugging going "meh" like most people would, he proceeds to film himself getting ridiculously excited about it all.
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Meeting members of the opposite sex shouldn't be as difficult as this, that is if you still want them to be alive when you introduce yourself. Next time be a man and just buy her a drink like the rest of us.
Comments: 2
Kids never look where they are going. It’s one of the many privileges of being young. Once you’re an adult, there’s no excuse for walking into things and generally being careless. Christ. Being old is rubbish, isn’t it?
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More animated awesomeness from B3ta's Cyriak as he shows off his talents on Showtime Shorts. Recoil in horror as he conjures circuit-board spiders and monsters made of meat from his limitless but warped imagination.
Comments: 7
It was a time for hotties & heroes, it was a time for colour, it was a time to make a mess & throw paint about.
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When these guys signed up for military service, they signed up not just to protect us, but to epic fail too. As this compilation of the army shows, even the best trained amongst us can mess things up.
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