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Spiderman Plays Basketball
As if it wasn't enough that he can swing through the air on a web and has the strength of 10 men, it also seems he's pretty damn good at basketball as well and doesn't he want us to know it. Showoff!
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There is something wrong with society these days. Women have literally become too big for their boots, I think it is time to go back a step and put them right back in their place (the kitchen). Who's with me?
Comments: 3
This must be a pretty advanced calculator if it's capable of running a rudimentary version of Portal. Yeah, you'll still totally fail that math exam, but at least you can have some fun while you fail!
Comments: 36
Wow! Who knew the Wu Tang Clan we so big that they now cater from deaf people. But what i want to know is, does she know the lyrics or is she off the cuff translating them as she hears them?
Comments: 2
She makes the Target chain a target. Took me hours to think of that. But that’s because I was out all night snorting hookers and eating cocaine. Which is exactly what this woman should’ve been doing!
Comments: 0
Michelle, Michelle, poor Michelle! I bet she never realized when she 'came' into the recording studio to sing a new jingle for Golden Kiss Mayo that it'd end so man-mayo-iciously.
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An eight-foot tall combat robot, RL7, that malfunctions, goes AWOL and memories start surfacing about its possible human past. Cue the military raining down on his ass to try and cover up the truth.
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Sometimes skating is all about attitude and when you bail it's a case of stylin' it so it looks intentional. This on the other hand is like pouring petrol onto the bonfire of FAIL!
Comments: 99
The splendid delights of the Mediterranean female physique; a wonderful body, perfect chest....OMG!
Comments: 0
This chubby redneck must have been a pitbull terrrier in his previous life!
Comments: 3
Forget Sandals. It's got nothing on Shuffles! Come enjoy the wonderful scenery as you dip your toned buttocks in the pool! I've booked my vacation already.
Comments: 116