Incredible Sports Photography
With the right camera, a badass lens and some serious photography skills you can almost make golf look exciting. Impressive stuff. Apply that to a genuinely exciting sport and the pics are trouser moisteningly good.
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More truthful titles to popular movies. If movies were titled this truthfully in the first place, perhaps it could have saved us some money!
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I've seen some oversize animals before but some of these are total nightmare fuel. A cricket that's big enough to chomp a whole carrot? A crab the size of a dustbin? Oh god. I think I just pooped a little.
Comments: 140
When the weekend lands there's usually only ever one thing on your mind. Well, maybe two, but they're interlinked. Drinking! Kicking back and chilaxing with a drink or turning it into a competitive activity.
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Here is a superb solution when it comes down to trying to remember 'what' dead President belongs with 'what' bill denomination - Stick a celebrity on the note and you will be able to recite them with no trouble.
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Where would we be without our butts? Our trousers wouldn't stay up so well and sitting down wouldn't be as fun, if we didn't have them galleries like this would be impossible. So, release your inner baboon and enjoy these ladies.
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Taking a bad-ass self portrait isn't as easy as it looks on everyone else's Facebook accounts, it requires a flattering angle, no incriminating objects or locations in shot and above all, no unsuspecting photobombers.
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We all have a soft spot for beautiful wildlife observations and this is no exception - Photographs this awesome are few and far between, so thank god that these were taken by people who didn't just dump the pic into Instagram and vintage it up.
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Not to be confused with spastictastic which is something completely different, splitstastic is an expression used to embody the pure awesomeness of attractive ladies doing the spits. You'll never look at ladies in the same way again.
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Lots of cute chicks with BIG guns and something tells me they are VERY adept at finding their way around a big weapon that doesn't fire blanks, not only that but you just know they are used to taking orders!
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Remember when you were a kid & used to play in the schoolyard & girls would do things... well, for girls only!? Now we have grown up and found them 'interesting' it seems that sometimes those rulez still apply.
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