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The LEGO Movie Blooper Reel
Because even LEGO gets it wrong sometimes... so here's some "outtakes" from the film featuring Lego Batman flying into the centre of the sun and messing up his lines and Morgan Freeman's God taking a tumble mid-sentence.
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an obvious example of iran's police brutality against protesters in the most holy day of shias
Comments: 247
Not something that everyone can try in their back garden, but if you have access to a giant earth mover and a backyard big enough to accommmodate it, this definitely looks like a whole lot of fun. Where do I sign up?
Comments: 3
Nothing says "I wanna warm delicious Pabst beer" like domestic abuse, sexual assault & manslaughter with an extra terrestrial firearm. This will get you reaching for a Pabst quicker than you can shout "RAPE!"
Comments: 1
If at first your tractor doesn't succeed, try again and fail some more until you get something fail-worthy to post on the internet and amuse us all - OUCH!
Comments: 0
Meet Batman fanatic Zac Mihajlovic who created this incredible replica of the badass Batmobile. The 29-year-old hand-built his very own street legal version of the car and uses it to visit sick children dressed as Batman.
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Every male can sympathize with this poor porker. He definitely went wah-wah-wah, all the way home.
Comments: 4
If you look too closely at this girl's yearbook photo, it's not just her face smiling back at you...
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Detroit's famous for producing automobiles & being home to that guy who starred in 8 Mile. While both Eminem & the Motor City have endured plenty of hardships, it didn't stop them from climbing to the top of their game.
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The second of BirGirPall's commemorative video, this being the one that features the voice talent of the man himself and his friends as they teamkill, troll and confuse other players in Battlefield 3.
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Hamsters make pretty weak pets. They can't fetch, be ridden or guard your room. There is one thing that they can do though, and that's run. They can also make you laugh, if you're into tiny furry slapstick geniuses.
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