LEGO Movie Posters for Best Picture Oscar
The nine Best Picture Oscar nominees have been given a LEGO makeover. Posters for Gravity, Philomena, Her, Captain Phillips, Nebraska, Dallas Buyers Club, 12 Years a Slave, American Hustle and The Wolf of Wall Street have all been recreated.
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Summer's coming and that means the beach. It’s a great place to rest & relax, catching a few zzz’s & maybe read a good book while you work on your tan. Whatever your reason, it won’t be a complete experience without ogling all the cute women.
Comments: 0
How is it that your damn phone always decides to go into troll mode whenever you are either texting parents, loved-ones or in the worst case, the wrong person. These are some serious casualties of the iPhone auto-correct nemesis.
Comments: 0
In today's modern society NO photo is safe, these terrorists have gone too far, targetting innocent civilian photos. These are not just photobombers they are professionals, ruining innocent photo's at will.
Comments: 0
A gallery for the true chauvinists among us. For guys who aren't quite comfortable looking at ladies unless they're in front of a cooker or building a delicious sammich for their man. OM NOM NOM NOM.
Comments: 2
What the hell would we do on a Friday night if chicks weren't invented, can you imagine? Without mammaries of mass distraction man would probably work towards world peace!?
Comments: 0
A collection of jaw dropping doppelgangers. Genetically identical girls that constitute grade-A fantasy fodder. Personally, I'm holding out for tripplets.
Comments: 522
We all have friends of the opposite sex, right? You know the kind, the one you pour your soul out to when you are drunk and keep an eye on when she is drunk...The one you secretly want to date, but you know she just wants to be friends.
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How do some girls still manage to look cute with their heads stuck in the toilet?
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There is something very spicy about the way this spicy Mexican beauty wears her body - You wouldn't kick her out of bed just for leaving taco crumbs !
Comments: 358
Hollywood have been churning out the same interchangeable rubbish movie-in movie-out over the past ten years, so it's ALWAYS refreshing to see a fan's take on a movie in the form of a well thought-out poster design. There's 30 crackers here.
Comments: 316