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Librarians Promoting Books in a Very Clever Way
No one reads anymore, not when we have endless cat videos at the click of a button, so librarians need ways to grab our attention and make us want to pick up a book—and this is a great way of doing just that.
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How VERY true! Usually this warning accompanies imagery so disturbing it seers itself into your retina for all time but not in this gallery. Fear not, these are images that will just make you look at common things a bit differently.
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This is a GREAT experiment to try (on your own) - Even though a lot of the captions aren't that great after viewing a few of these, your brain goes into 'bewb' mode & suddenly you couldn't care less!
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No one can resist smiling at these adorable little guys! Now, go share this link with your girlfriend. You know it will score brownie points!
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More exciting than watching your first child being born whilst walking on the moon on an IV drip of cocaine, or winning the superbowl & then discovering you have superpowers. Too bad you won't remember it in the morning.
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The Beach Boys knew what they were singing about with songs about beautiful chicks, trouble is they got the wrong country. Forget California, the place to write lyrics of lament & longing is located in the far east. WOW.
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These are one of our favourite types of galleries, featuring cute, girls with ample assets! Our only concern is that we never get asked why we won't look them in the eye. There's far too much else to be looking at!
Comments: 967
It's that time of the week again and it's time to return to our regularly scheduled programing. If you're not aware, Monday morning is the perfect time for a great big dump. Of pictures. Not of the sh#t kind. Enjoy.
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If you had any hatches and this was the view out of your window, it would probably be a good time to batten them down. Not really sure what that means, but I'd have a go anyway. This is true apocalypse style weather!
Comments: 1
This is stunning, voluptuous beauty at it's best! Jordan Carver has the most amazing bikini fillers I've ever seen!
Comments: 584
It's a wonder of nature (or fluke) when it comes to taking a photograph of a fast moving event, one micro-second too early or too late and you will have missed the crucial moment where it all comes together. Life's awesome.
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