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Insane Drifting Goes Awry
And this is why you shouldn't stand too close to the track during a drift competition, because if you do you may end up getting hurt—although, it was the last clap that created this incident. Never clap more than once.
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You can’t beat a good “NOOOOOOO!!!”, it sums up all the drama and over-the-top appeal of fictionalised moving images. And here are a bunch of them all edited together for our pleasure.
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Fans of COD: Black Ops know that sometimes you need to go DEEP undercover to achieve your goals. And if that means getting all Mission: Impossible Tom Cruise to make sure people's hard drives are at the top of their game.
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Being able to pull off a barrel roll while pouring yourself a cup of ice tea is a unique talent, and one that Bob here possesses. Not much use in everyday life but incredibly impressive nonetheless.
Comments: 4
And yet Good Charlotte continues to be all too real. Which is your favorite? There are some pure classics in there.
Comments: 3
Nicolas Cage has got to a point where he doesn't give a fuck any more. He doesn’t care if the movie’s good or bad, he just cares about coating his 13,000 sq ft mansion in gold. He’ll consider ANYTHING!
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You may think you look after your cat, but rest assured it’s nothing of the sort. Cats have been keeping us humans in check since the dawn of civilisation, and this video shows you what admirable work they do.
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This aint the first time you've seen it and it wont be the last but you just gotta luv the ownage!
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Following in the footsteps of Morgan Spurlock, a US science teacher eats nothing but McDonald’s for 90 days and sheds 30 pounds. The conclusion: science says it’s OK to gorge on fast food. Yay!
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Russian singer Philipp Kirkorov smacks a woman in the face after receiving flowers from several other women in the audience. She must not have read the fine print on the ticket: Gifts or KTFO.
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This guy thinks he's being funny, but he really does bring down the house.
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