Amazing Photos Of Kowloon's Walled City
It just looks like a hive of scum and villainy or like something out of a Judge Dredd comic, but this city is actually for really realz. Densely populated and largely ungoverned, it is truly unique.
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Advertising is balls. It's a fact. When you see a branded bit of content you tend to sigh heavily and attempt to block out the messages, jingles and catchphrases. It's about time someone subverted them in the name of lolz!
Comments: 0
The apples of iPhone's eye are back for some moar self-shooting photo-phone-phun and it looks like they are holding nothing back this time - i've never wanted to be a handheld device more in my entire life!
Comments: 0
The apples of iPhone's eye are back for some moar self-shooting photo-phone-phun and it looks like they are holding nothing back this time - i've never wanted to be a handheld device more in my entire life!
Comments: 0
If you've ever gone travelling you've probably experienced this sort of thing first hand. When it comes to sign writing, something almost always gets lost in translation. These are some of the funnier examples.
Comments: 524
Rule no.1 ladies: Never f#ck around with what nature has endowed you with, if you have been bestowed with ample assets then celebrate the fact that you will be gazed upon and adored like a goddess by all mankind.
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Lets face it, we all love a great film and can't get enough of it. So, whether you're a nerdy cinephile or just enjoy candid pictures of golden moments on the set of your favourite movies, there's something here for everyone.
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You really don't need a dirty mind to see the double-entendres on display here. It's the comical result of space-saving and abbreviation failage on an seriously epic scale. What were they thinking. Seriously?
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In a quest to boldly go where no chick has gone before, today's cuties will go to any extreme to create the perfect photograph worthy of any MySpace & Facebook profile - It's the most 'safe' fun you can have with your clothes off!?
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Some of the planets most atrocious fur fancying FAILS in human form. What at first glance might look like a convention for football mascots is actually a a hive of scum, villainy & sexual perversion that'd make Fritzl want to upchuck.
Comments: 36
Another glorious Tuesday morning and if you're anything like me, another hangover from bank holiday Monday. There's only one thing that can bring the lolz back into your life; a collection of random internet funnyz!
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