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LOL: This Baby Loves To Rave
This kid knows how to get DOWN!
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That David Beckham, not content to be the world’s most famous tattooed man, he’s now taken to surprising innocent people at the #takethestage photobooth. He even made one little boy cry.
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You can't blame some animals for trying, even if the object of it's affection only has 2 legs! The deer's outlook on wives seems to be "Eh, you win some, you lose some.
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Unlike traditional spoon players, this mutt manages to makes a racket with just one, meaning he's roughly 50% more talented than regular spoon players but unfortunately, he's just as annoying...
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You think it an absolute outrage for Cinema Sins to even go there with a movie as perfect as this. But they went there, and they come back with over 80 sins committed by Finding Nemo—shame on your Pixar.
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For the cat lovers out there here's a video of a cute kitten climbing into a hamsterball, getting stuck and still managing to look utterly adorable. All together now: AWWWwwwww.
Comments: 5
South London is a war-torn urban morass full of crime, hate, and squalor. It’s mostly been abandoned by humankind except for a few feral beings who roam the vast wastelands of Croydon, looking for an angry fix.
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Sometimes you have to go that extra mile to get that 'special' shot. Unfortunately, the cameraman is probably going to have to erase that tape unless he wants video proof that he crapped his pants - OMG!
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What's the point in civilisation if nobody wants to be civilised? If you liked Falling Down but didn't feel that he went far enough, then this could be the perfect movie for you. Fiver says Jusutin Bieber dies in it.
Comments: 4
Just when you thought it was safe to go back on the internet, the harbinger of the death of pop music releases another single to make you want to slice off your ears with a broken CD before destroying your music collection.
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Most people saw the Fat Guy vs Big Sign and thought, 'what a moron!'. However, it seems this guy watched it and thought, 'what a great idea'. There's no accounting for intelligence!
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