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Hockey Player Owns His Teammate
Sometimes you just get carried away and see red & attack everyone on the ice - That's managements subtle way of saying 'No contract extension for you!'
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Sparing no punches & probably killing any chance of future film work he proved the perfect host & delivered some great put-down jokes at the expense of some of the celebrity elite.
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Not only does this cat sleep in a weird position but he does it on the edge of a four story building. Someone tell it that thats a good way to use all of it's nine lives at once!
Comments: 2
All this sickly vapid pop crap is not the Fuhrer’s favourite sort of music, so he’s pretty pissed at Rebecca Black. He could just about stand the horror of Justin Bieber’s giant shit on popular music but “Friday” is a step too far.
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The trouble with kids is they want everything NOW, even if it isn't ready. Little girl is too excited to wait for water to get on the slip-n-slide before she gives it a try.
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This guy really wants to date Taylor Swift, more than you do with your casual interest each time she comes on TV. How much does he want to date her? Well enough to give this persuasive speech in his college speech class.
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When she says multi-tasking does she mean satisfying three women at once while playing MW2?
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Just remember that the axe can chop off more than a tree....Humans maybe? - Dad wants to show his kid how it's done and in the process almost kills his wife - WTF!?!
Comments: 37
Not only does your buddy have to get a tetanus shot, you get to brag to your friends about how you nailed him. Well done.
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It FINALLY happend. But! The only thing missing from this video is a headshot. Other than that you get to watch the baby-faced clam jouster getting shot up like many of you have no doubt dreamt of. Next target : Miley Cyrus.
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If you're looking for a hilarious way to ruin your wedding day, choreographing a dance routine to a Justin Bieber song is a pretty effective way to do it. It's hilarious at first but it's still Bieber...
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