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Lego Street Shootout
WARNING: This is not for the faint at heart, there are bits of Lego bodies strewn everywhere amongst the carnage - An epic battle of Lego men! This is one badass dude I wouldn't want to mess with!
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Some overzealous fan has discovered that Ryan Gosling doesn't like breakfast cereal and has edited all of his movies with him shunning it together. Some fans really are crazy.
Comments: 1
A couple of guys are stuck in a traffic jam on an LA freeway.. one of them loses his mind big time. NO MORE BREAKLIGHTS!!- LOL
Comments: 2
This nun's sure got some nice legs and she knows how to use them! - Watch out Whoopi - there's a new sister in town!!
Comments: 3
These guys listen to an alarm telling them to put their landing gear down and can't seem to remember to do it. They ruin their propeller, the bottom of their plane, and the chance anyone will ever fly with them.
Comments: 1
Everyone in the whole entertainment industry knows that when Peter Serafinowicz slaps you, you take it. This is like rule No.1. You just don’t mess with an acting giant like him. WTF!?!
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This will seriously leave you wondering what happened to this poor dude - Somehow i don't think the outcome will have been a good one - OMG!
Comments: 6
Skynet all started with a robotic hand. Before they knew what was going on the computers rose up and bitchslapped humanity. I'm not saying that's going to happen, but I will say that I'm buying lots of tinned food...
Comments: 3
If you’re unfamiliar with the local dialects of the British Isles, then let voice coach Andrew Jack school you in their diversities - where people sometimes even sound a bit drunk.” LOL
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If you're a fan of the movie and like a bit of wub, you're in for a treat. It's way better than it sounds; each track is woven seamlessly into specially edited highlights from the film.
Comments: 1
All dogs, especially huskies, malamutes etc have a little trait called dominance. Some dogs are naturally more aggressive than others, which makes them the alpha. But huskys', well, they are just plain strange.
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