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Rave Toilet!
This is the coolest toilet I've ever seen! I'm only left wondering why it's taken so long for someone to come up with this idea. Break out the ecstasy, grab some toilet paper and lets go PARTY!!!
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The lapdog of the Current UK Prime Minister would like to issue a heartfelt apology to all the people he lied to. TBH, it's not his fault. He's the minority in a coalition government. Cameron is the real turd in the punchbowl.
Comments: 3
After racing off the crest of a large sand dune, this man loses control of his jeep just in time to send his competitor flying.
Comments: 19
The dumbest yet most brilliant thing you've ever seen, it's a motorcycle on a rope swing and after watching it you'll no doubt hit up the internet for a Chinese dirt bike to recreate this epicness.
Comments: 1,666
What are the chances of this happening? The fat bald guy is dangerously slamming the bottle of mentos-filled Diet Coke on the floor with careless abandon. And who should get a bottle rocket in the face? Cruel world. FACT.
Comments: 5
Nick Cage, the world's greatest actor gets educational. If you're still struggling with your A,B,Cs, never fear! Mr Cage is here to help you and he's doing it to a catchy beat to boot! Amazing.
Comments: 1
Meanwhile, in Lincolnshire… The contestants grab an egg out of a box of six where five have been hardboiled. They then smash it against their forehead and try not to end up with egg on their face.
Comments: 0
A balloon doesn't get quite enough lift to make it over the barrier during a demonstration in Groningen, Netherlands. What a bunch of air heads.
Comments: 3
The cutting-edge, innovative technologies being developed are becoming increasinlgy bizarre...OMFG!!!
Comments: 0
He's got a while yet before he becomes the next David Blaine !
Comments: 0
Women and men approach dating in very different ways. What women think is nice and romantic men think is a total waste of time, and this video explains that perfectly
Comments: 2