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Girl Gets Thrown From Merry Go Round
Chicks & park rides go together like 'Win' & 'Fail' - When you approach the merry-go-round this way, it's actually two rides in one. Take that, one-trick slide!
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Each week the Apprentice contestants, a bunch of shuffling, preening, f-tards slither into Sith Lord Sugar’s mock-office to bitch and whine and back stab about who was the most incompetent mongoloid in the show that week.
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I'm sure (like me) you've sat at your computer eating pizza and felt a sudden rush of envy every time you see some dues who is sporting a very cool sixpack and cried into your Coke. Well, turns out we ALL have a pack under our fat!
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Congratulations are in order. This may be the quickest scooter crash we have on record. See? There are some things female drivers excel at.
Comments: 5
Wow..talk about a Multi-Tasker! This dude rocks in the way he combines so many different impressive, albeit totally useless talents. Part Parkour, part juggler and several parts of things we don't really know how to define.
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You’ll very rarely hear someone talking about the one that got swallowed whole by a shark just as you were landing the fecker. If there wasn’t video, I wouldn’t believe it.
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This is one of the worst things to have in your basement, really difficult to get rid of once they settle in. Totally worse than an infestation of rats of cockroaches.
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This lucky cop jumps out of the way of a out of control vehicle and escapes being hit by just a couple inches two days before Christmas.
Comments: 2
Apparently, soccer chicks are very impressionable. First, Elizabeth Lambert goes postal at the college level, then this high school fight. Pretty soon, AYSO girl's - Lets get ready to RUMBLE ladies!!!
Comments: 7
Do you miss summer? Do you miss the sun? Do you miss the beach? Yeah,, we all miss Baywatch, but don't fret because even though the 90s TV show is long gone, we have FAILWATCH! And it's just as good.
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There are a lot of different ways to show friendship. Looking after your buddies immediate safety is right up there, but this is the first time i think I've seen it done with a right hook, though. BOOM.
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