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Two Deer Burst Into Bar
The Milwaukee Bucks are known for the rallying cry 'fear the deer'. This was very wise words if you ate at Menomonie restaurant where 2 deer crashed through a glass door disrupting 100's of Bucks fans watching the game.
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This has both the weird factor and the titillation factor so bravo to it for doing that. A model gets attacked by other creepy models, but they just kind of pose her in weird ways. And they’re all in underwear.
Comments: 0
This poor dog takes a whiff of his owner's arm pit and its lights out. The dude even picks the dog up at the end of the clip and can't revive the poor fella.
Comments: 4
Compared to the gruesome, bloody carnage of this epic Judo battle between these two little girls, UFC is a sport for complete sissies. Be careful watching it because it could kill you with cuteness.
Comments: 94
A vicious hook at the bell might of gave the cat on the right a slight advantage in round one.
Comments: 4
If you ever come face to face with a cocky bird sitting on your wind shield wiper NEVER turn them on to get rid of him. A crime like that will go down against you. It's a one way ticket to hell my friend.
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Smosh Games and Screen Junkies present a hilariously honest trailer for Pokémon Ruby Version and Sapphire Version, the third installments of the Pokémon series of role-playing video games.
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A professor has had enough of the two kids in the front row screwin' around and he whacks one of them so hard it knocks the kid off his chair.
Comments: 2
Like so many others, the cameraman just learned that if you let Usain Bolt get into your head, he'll psych you out before he ever starts running.
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A 15 year old girl with her driving permit crashes into a coffee shop. Somehow nobody was injured in the accident - I'm guessing that she was blonde and thought it was a drive-thru?
Comments: 5
I suppose it's logical to put the two together to create something so powerful, so amazing, it's surprising the internet hasn't collapsed.
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