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World's Fastest Roller Coaster
Awesome clip of Ferrari's F1 drivers Fernando Alonso and Felipe Massa riding the world's fastest roller coaster at Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi. They claim this thing goes from 0-150mph in 4.8 seconds!
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The atomic bomb has got a lot of negative press. Sure, they have the propensity for unparalelled devastation and atrocity, but play a bit of AC/DC over a montage video of nukes going off and it's totally AWESOME!!!
Comments: 0
Ok, i think she might have already graduated....But. There really is a lot to be said for the school girl outfit. I'm sure it has got many men in trouble with the law over the years.
Comments: 3
Quite possibly the greatest and most useful video you will ever see. John McAfee, the software's inventor, talks you through this one, so don't bother emailing him ever again - Even though it's impossible to remove.
Comments: 0
Prepare to witness awesome. It's still in the early stages of development but they aren't that difficult to make. You simply attach some wheels and a scooter engine to a crate of beer.
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Time to get your pussy looking trim & tight (WTF?) - It only works if your cats not lazy like this one..
Comments: 3
This is like air guitar or, more specifically, air chair-sex orgy!! How embarrassing?!
Comments: 3
If you enjoy games like Sumotori, and QWOP even if it's just to laugh at how awkward and ungainly it looks to play, then this could be another instant classic. Complex surgery, with the flapping hands of a full blown retard.
Comments: 2
Language is a funny thing. All it takes is a slight mispronunciation of one word and an entire sentence can be rendered totally hilarious. If that sentence is used to teach the language then it's a joke that'll keep on giving!
Comments: 19
This remote controlled bowling ball hack would make for the most boring attempt at cheating in the history of games. Still....The possibilities are endless!
Comments: 2
This chick nails her husband with a large pan in the back of the head after she dares him to chug a beer. It proves the old adage that you can drink yourself to death!
Comments: 1