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New York City Crazy People Montage
Clearly some of these people are mentally unstable but there is one douchebag who puts his hand in a bin to find a napkin to wipe his mouth with. Thats just moronic.
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A polar bear attacks a woman who was in the middle of a bathroom break. Someone should tell this polar bear that No means Noooooooooooooo!
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Probably one of the more unusual morning rituals, even for a dog. 'Chaos' here likes to wake himself up in the mornings by sliding down the staircase on his side. Is he unique or just 'special'?
Comments: 3
Michelle, Michelle, poor Michelle! I bet she never realized when she 'came' into the recording studio to sing a new jingle for Golden Kiss Mayo that it'd end so man-mayo-iciously.
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Sometimes the internet is incredibly insightful, interesting and educational. Other times, this sort of thing happens. Sure, it's entertaining, but it's about as much use a smeg flavoured lollipop.
Comments: 22
If they’re not trying to win the affections of a bridesmaid with their impressive equine transportation (a horse outside), then they’re wanting to fight a young lady’s father to show her how much they adore her.
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When you go clay pigeon shooting with a tank, you need the discs to be much, much bigger than normal—and you might also want to go some place where there are no buildings or people or anything like that.
Comments: 367
After more Lego themed games than you could shake a multitude of sticks at it's about damn time that they moved into creating feature length movies in the inimitable Lego style. Here's what that might look like.
Comments: 8
This kid plays the red dot game, and gets a great surprise for finishing level 1.. - LOL
Comments: 9
So, the tagline from this sprite commercial translates to "Things may appear different up close". No idea what it has to do with sprite, but thanks for the night terrors, guys. You'll be receiving my psychiatrist bills shortly.
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Have you guessed yet? That's right, it sounds a bit like ball-sack. Probably because that's what it is. It's a sack that you put a balloon in and it turns it into a ball. A ball for kids too poor to afford a ball.
Comments: 2