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Amazing Russian Kids TV Performance
After watching this russian pop singer go on a kids' show in an outfit that only those kids' dads would love!!
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How comes the dumb ones always get the fun jobs.. - LOL
Comments: 3
What’s a bunch of Aussies gonna do for some suburban sporting fun? Well, quite a lot actually, ranging from the gravel walk, to posting junk mail to people who specifically ask to not receive any.
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Because a snow day without a near-death experience is a snow day wasted. In Russia, the snow doesn't kill you, you kill the snow!
Comments: 183
You know the old expression: It ain't over until the toothless Spanish guy sings.
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One of the best compilations of fails, owns, falls, crashes, and just plain 'oops' moments. - LOL
Comments: 3
Want to know how to get past one of those super 1337 champion monsters while playing on Inferno mode? Here's someone with a specially constructed guide, just for you. Follow his instruction and... FFUUUUUUUU!
Comments: 2
Gummi bears are pretty damn tasty, but I think if I actually WAS one I'd have to draw the line somewhere and chewing through your own delicious, fruit flavored leg seems as good a place as any to draw it...
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When you are fatter than your friends it becomes your duty to be the butt of all jokes and the make a fool of yourself in almost all situations and this is one of them.
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This dude staples his co-worker's head. Take that, human resources! You don't have anything on stapling your co-workers' heads... yet.
Comments: 1
This guy changes the belt on his engine while the car is still running
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