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Facts You NEED To Know About Marijuana!
It kinda looks like a stoner has stopped smoking the chronic long enough to find out some facts, learn how to use after effects and make this animation. Damn, i feel hungry now!
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Everyone hates bullying (well, except the bullies), but would you step in if you saw someone suffering? Turns out you probably wouldn’t, you gutless swine, as this video shows.
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Losing your dignity on the internet, because of a freaky-looking woman on your computer screen is the height of lamewad chic. This guy should be proud of himself, because there's just no better way to go.
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A compilation video of cats being greedy and stealing beds from the dog they have to share their owners with—let's just say the cats seem to be the ones in charge while the dogs just act all hurt.
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It doesn’t matter that he’s a dad underneath that mask, he acts like an annoying troll to his family and that’s why the internet loves him.
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Doing a burn out to load a car onto the back of a lorry was always going to end in tears wasn't it.
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Do you love Futurama but hate things that are animated? Well now you can enjoy the full glory of Futurama's opening sequence without the animation that irks you, thanks to a live action version created to advertise the series.
Comments: 3
Prepare yourself for extreme EPIC! The sons of evil meat-slaying demons from planet Beef birth a meat baby from a dead bird. Washed down with some breast milk Jack Daniels. M’mmm.
Comments: 6
This street performer busts some pretty great dance moves outside Notre Dame cathedral, giving tourists a reason to avoid a boring tour and lecture on gothic architecture.
Comments: 2
If game shows were comprised of just this, i'd watch them all. It takes a special kind of person to think that an operating room is where you might find an operator and this compilation is chock full of special people.
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The master of mashups is back once again and this time he's making fun of the BBC news it's hosts it's stories and anyone & everyone who appears on it. It's not exactly high brow but it is entertaining.
Comments: 2