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Ferris Bueller's Day Off - Redux
More like an indie coming of age film; perhaps the kind of film Sofia Coppola or Godard might make, than just Ferris just having a day off, hanging out with his best friend & girlfriend. Live & learn people!
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Sometimes no matter what you do you have NO chance - This has FAIL written all over it.. LOL
Comments: 2
Thank god there are parents out there who will gleefully mock their children's artistic endevours when it's warranted. Singing earnestly into your webcam is one of those times, and this chick's mom is one of those parents.
Comments: 1
Li Su Ling runs a successful clothing company that she started back in 2003. She puts her success down to hard work and maintaining high production value so that her team take pride in the work they do.
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This rescue helicopter slices a telephone line as it begins to take off. "No one else in this county gets to call 911! NO ONE!"
Comments: 1
It's hard to believe that Pandas are going extict through a lack of sexiness when there's a stone cold stud like this guy about. I reckon he could impregnate a lady panda just by looking at her.
Comments: 4
I can never remember whether there are no do-overs in life or in live TV. In this case, it's probably both.
Comments: 86
Like many people, Mr Merchant feels that dating has got way, way too complicated these days. So he longs for the days when people died by the age of 30, back when everyone’s breath smelled of Black Death.
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The classic buttered floor prank gets remixed in the shower with absolutely first-rate faceplant results. Well done.
Comments: 2
If you played the footage backwards she'd be a lovely old dear saving a poor cat from the horrid act of some nefarious ass putting a cat in a bin. Much more pleasant. BIATCH!
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Sneaking a video camera into a high security prison might not seem very useful but apparently it's pretty dangerous. This guy should have opted for a rock hammer and a poster of Rita Hayworth.
Comments: 5