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Epic Catch While Holding Daughter
This dude is definitely a BOSS and demonstrates his powers by making an awesome foul ball catch with one hand while holding his daughter in the other. Just another day.
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Probably not their ACTUAL name but it's what they shall henceforth be known as. As far as rockets/torpedoes go they're pretty badass. They're so badass in fact that they can even set the ocean on fire. WTF!?
Comments: 2
People really are totally awesome. Not all people, obviously. That weird guy who sits next to you on the bus and trumps isn't awesome. Neither are Mormons. Some are awesome though, and these are they.
Comments: 21
Freddie Wong, hardest working man on the internet is back with a smoking hot chick from the new 90210 - I bet Freddie gunned in his pants when making this!
Comments: 0
If you were wondering why anyone would want to buy a micro car, then just take a look at these clowns (not literally clowns) driving around the centre of Amsterdam and you'll instantly see why.
Comments: 87
Note: You don't actually have to combine your bike and your ramp for it to be considered a bike ramp.
Comments: 1
Just another day on the batting field, doing what you love, what you've always loved, warming up to strike that fast-ball, a lazy swing, maybe i'll go with the guys to the diner later and........ OMG!!!!!
Comments: 199
Roses are red, violets are blue...if I were the hot babe walking into this bedroom, I'd be surprised too!
Comments: 4
Another awesome feat of archery in Skyrim. It's not as crazy unlikely as the last one, but this one is freehand. The guy behind the controls says he would have gone further back but the apple falls of his head too quickly...
Comments: 0
Not all little blue pills are made equal - this one does so much more than simply not 'letting you down' !!
Comments: 0
Animals aren't stupid.. The zebra makes an attempt to drown its attacker. - COOL
Comments: 3