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Smelly Arm Pit Knocks Dog Out Cold
This poor dog takes a whiff of his owner's arm pit and its lights out. The dude even picks the dog up at the end of the clip and can't revive the poor fella.
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The important thing to remember is not to startle a person when they're in this state. If they're already doing something this insane, who knows what they'll do when they get surprised?
Comments: 8
Fruit ninja. It's a fun touch screen game, but how would it translate to the real world? Hilariously. Yup, a weirdo with a sword decimating random fruits is pretty amusing to watch. I can't help thinking he should be wearing a helmet though...
Comments: 4
I didn't know that David After Dentist had a sister, but they both have the same reaction to drugs.
Comments: 28
And you thought February had got away with it, but no, here is the roundup of all the people who had a bad month. Will the internet ever get tired of seeing people fall over and injure themselves? No, no it won’t.
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Bam tells Tony Hawk all about the time that his crazy naturist stalker broke into his house and climbed into bed with him. I know sounds pretty cool right? Well, unfortunately it's only cool if you're into the yeti look...
Comments: 1
Got a fussy pop-star coming over for dinner? Can't risk mixing up the skittles or M&Ms? Get yourself one of these and you'll never have to hand sort a bag of multicolored candies ever again! WOOYAY.
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This kid busts some pretty incredible moves on Norway's Got Talent. Fun fact: Norway actually maintains an army of 10-year-old dancing kids to repel foreign invaders.
Comments: 2
If pranking be the goo of love, then prank on goddammit! This is how you pwn your girlfriend and then get her to marry you.
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Probably the coolest way anyone has ever been spanked in the face with a dodgeball. This kid barely does anything all game then busts out this little beauty. Kudos pal, kudos.
Comments: 3
A song about Britain’s much maligned but growing underclass from Plan B. It's kinda hard to believe that such a political statement with socioeconomic commentary came from the man that brought us "Charmaine"...
Comments: 6