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Volume Control Dog
At last, a personal pet control. This cuddly canine is so well trained that if his barking is getting on your nerves you can just turn the volume down a bit or mute him completely with a voice command.
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I wonder if the victim ever figured out the truth.. LOL
Comments: 0
Well? Is it? No. But that doesn't mean that this ... bizarre ... attempt at cinema doesn't raise some interesting questions. Questions that might actually make you sleep better in your bed at night. Be (not) afraid.
Comments: 2
After realizing his sister's dirty trick, the little boy gets his small revenge. LOL
Comments: 1
This chick goes for an amazing high kick and ends up on the ground. It looks like we're hiring Rockettes to turn the front line into a kick line.
Comments: 0
A terrifying new fashion movement is sweeping the UK calling itself the ‘Evisu Defence League’, splitting communities up and down the country with their extreme and offensive ideas on fashion - WTF!?!
Comments: 0
"Gentlemen STOP your engines!" This lady needs to sleep! Looks like this starter chick was out a bit too late partying the night before a race and promptly passes out on the hood of one of the race cars.
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If you have fond memories of playing MGS and marveling at the badassery of Revolver Ocelot, don't watch this. It turns out that Ocelot is about as imposing as someone performing at a children's birthday party...
Comments: 1
Hosting clearly isn't Jan Kraus' strong suit; he just kind of fell into this gig.
Comments: 3
What happens when you put a man in a cement mixer and turn it on? Hilarity, that's what happens as this guy goes round and round and round—and he doesn't even get stuck in it.
Comments: 72
Yeah, those Kesha clones are a real drag, getting glitter in your beer and generally staggering about and treading on your foot and stuff with high heels. Her annoying pop guff has a lot to answer for.
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