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New Pants Please!!!
Enjoy a trouser-soiling trip on a badass Japanese rollercoaster from the comfort of your computer screen. If you don't feel the slightest bit of vertigo when the cart is teetering on the edge of it's decent, you are not human.
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If only the news was this amusing every day, or the least they could do is have Cassetteboy edit the previous day’s headlines into mega-lulz and run it at the end of the programme.
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Schwarzenegger opens up and tells the world about how he pounded the maid and now has a lovechild. I guess jacking himself up on steroids to win the Mr. Universe contest just wasn't enough for him. Time for a song!
Comments: 24
Love him or hate him, you have to admit that the man has got charm and charisma out the wazoo. There aren't many heads of state that would pick up the microphone and sing along at blues night...
Comments: 6
Kelly Ripa is an American talkshow host who co-fronts morning TV show “Kelly and Michael”, they were having a discussion about the iPhone 6 Plus. But Ripa wanted to see how big exactly 5.5 inches really was.
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What the ideal body image is in the second decade of the 21st century, might have been seen as hideous 400 years ago. Models of all different body types show how the standard of beauty for women has changed.
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Somebody call up Cirque de Soleil...we have the headliner for their next tour right here.
Comments: 3
Batman’s not content to be the star of his own movies, his ego is so mega he has to star in other people’s films too. So here he is cropping up again in famous movie scenes to tarnish your memories of them.
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Learning some serious yo-yo skills probably won't help you get the ladies. Mix it with magic though and, no, you're probably still going to die alone and unloved. Still, at least it's better than just regular yo-yo...
Comments: 5
Sometimes reality is waay stranger than fiction - It actually isn't that weird when you consider the fact that one of her parents is an octopus! Seriously strange stuff!
Comments: 11
Next Action Media, the Hong Kong based media company that spices up the news by creating animated reconstructions have decided to break the news of Osama Bin Laden's death with a CGI reenactment of his grisly demise.
Comments: 31