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First-Person POV Football Nutshot
I have NO idea why watching other dudes get their family jewels destroyed is just so mesmerizing? I have a feeling that as long as it's not happening to you and someone else instead is SUCH a relief!?
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These kids are boxing in a basement and one of them does a full spin punch that lands perfectly knocking his buddy out cold.
Comments: 4
If he has one flaw its parallel parking. If he has two, it's parallel parking and stairs. If he has three, then it's 'what the hell is he doing out in a condition like this in the first place!?'
Comments: 1
Kid tries to launch an egg using his skateboard but his face blocks the takeoff, it's almost the perfect literal example of getting egg on your face - LMAO!
Comments: 12
It doesn't really get more 'Murica, f*ck yeah!' then a guy cooking bacon on the barrel of his M16 machine gun, which usually takes about three minutes of shooting to cook it through to perfection.
Comments: 26
Losing your dignity on the internet, because of a freaky-looking woman on your computer screen is the height of lamewad chic. This guy should be proud of himself, because there's just no better way to go.
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If ever you needed evidence that there is no greater hive of scum and villainy than the YouTubes, I give you exhibit A: The YT Micro-celeb crossover. Sure, you recognise them but is that any excuse for this nonsense?
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This is one tough lady - She gets hit with a baseball and doesn't even flinch and then carries on reporting. If she doesn't get a reporters award for this it's an outrage
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I'd like to stoke her fire, oh yes, because she may be ember by name, but she's anything but by nature. She has a of body you could dine on for months!
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This kid gets his buddies to watch him do a backflip off a swing but at the last moment opts for the impressive 10ft face slide on the asphalt instead. I'd score this a 9.9 for total effort - LOL!
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So there’s no pretext to this being anything other than a place where you can act out all your psychopathic tendencies in the safety of a pixelated world. And partake in the odd yoga session too.
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