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Dog Fails At Being A Cat
This video does exactly what it says on the tin. There is a dog that is trying to act like a cat and he fails. I bet you all the money in my pocket that the cat does a totally convincing impression of the dog...
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The man has a point. Sports guys are always the most macho but it’s them that spend so much time in the company of bare male flesh. And how about all the ridiculous connotations linked to being gay.
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In what can only called one of the most bizarre cell phone ads we've seen in a while, LG just premiered their new two and a half minute promo that touts the OIS Optical Image Stabilization of the G2 phone.
Comments: 1
Here’s a “What If…” to ponder in those quieter moments of your day: What if those Jersey Shore guidobags spoke their particular vein of English in the style of Oscar Wilde? Don’t ponder it because this video does it for you.
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It’s a much more listenable and enjoyable One Direction than you’re used to. Zayn sings Story of My Life like he’s swallowed a Fraggle, Harry’s become tone death, and the rest sound like cartoon characters.
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You remember the 90's don't you? That was when the only thing worse than wearing a mullet was being the guy who slammed face-first into the end of a ski jump at a family amusement park... while wearing a mullet.
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She'll think twice before leaning back in her chair again.. LOL
Comments: 2
This 4 wheel drive beast can drive up & down this steep-ass set up like a boss, making it perfect for the school run & shopping at the mall. It's good to know it's true potential will be used fully :(
Comments: 3
Pulling an awesome wheelie is one thing, but doing it right in front of a cop car and peeling away like a bat out of hell when they get the blues and twos going is way more memorable. Dude even managed to get away too! Kudos.
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Daniel Pelletier, a 16 year-old skater who's paralyzed from the waist down, is still almost assuredly a better skater than you or I will ever be.
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This song goes out to all the guys who've loved and lost... their dignity, trying to get the hot chick.
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