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Van Damme Is The Man.
Big legs + Karate = Splits, no problem. It's basic math, really. This has to be the funniest movie supercut I've ever seen, fully of toe curlingly bad clips from 90s Van Damme crapfest movies. Pure gold.
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In the murky waters a diver’s only light source is the beam of light coming from their torch, but as they explore the ocean they’re going to wish that they didn’t even have that. OMG!
Comments: 0
Is this impressive or does it just show how lame of a genre dub step actually is. If you can make a song using one of these then surely the genre has to be a complete joke?
Comments: 2
Flying a helicopter around near high tension steel cabling probably isn't the best idea this guy has ever had. Still, at least he has people on hand willing to risk life and limb to rescue him. It also makes for a cool video.
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This guy works his way to the top of Red Gates, Russia's tallest skyscraper. At that height, everyone fighting, wrecking cars, and consuming Vodka should look like ants to him.
Comments: 2
Thing is science couldn’t possibly support the idea of such a large, cumbersome beastie charging about and causing a ruckus—and this is why science and Hollywood should never mix.
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A Jamaican kid shows how to do things the old fashioned way in this vid, by using his creative imagination to build a toy bike from two lighters—now someone just needs to turn it into a video game and it'll be much cooler.
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This clip from the days of black-and-white tv shows what was expected, fashion wise, for the year 2000.
Comments: 19
Clearly, they were playing soccer before they spoke. - COOL
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Alan Partridge explores the connections between Norwich and, erm the Führer in this clip, revealing how the Nazis planned to make Norwich Town Hall a centre of regional government.
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The first kid may be good at looking like he can slam dunk, but the kid out of camera range obviously has the best aim. LOL
Comments: 2