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Kaiser the Amazing Bengal Cat
You might not be able to teach an old dog new tricks but this doesn't apply to cats. Kaiser is great with my rats, enjoys going on walks, playing in the bath tub and he thrives on doing tricks!
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If you're plagued with guilt after eating a quarter pounder for lunch, this video should help out. It compares various McDonald’s items with those from supposedly more healthy restaurants
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It might not sound like an enthralling match, but it turns out better than you might think. If in doubt, never put $$$ on a cat. They are unpredictable & smart enough that they probably have money on the fight too...
Comments: 10
You’re probably trying to forget it, but for everyone else here’s the hits from the year that gave us Pique, the jalapeño pepper mascot for FIFA 86. So get those rose-tinted glasses on and head off to planet nostalgia.
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If there's one thing you REALLY want to be prepared for it's the zombie apocalypse. It's definitely coming, it's just a matter of timing and whether or not you have got the appropriate tools for the job...
Comments: 3
This guy gets up on a concrete planter and attempts a backflip but ends up coming down face-first on the side of the planter. This is such a classic fail you could almost set it in stone... Or concrete :)
Comments: 2
Spider bite leaves a huge gaping hole in the side of this lady's face.. SICK-SICK-SICK! - WTF
Comments: 211
Cassetteboy helps Obama to voice an opinion that he probably wouldn't normally entertain. It's a scathing attack on selling things that go bang to baddies, which sounds pretty good to me...
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This is the Blue Angels show in St. Louis, MO on May 4—the Blue Angels are the United States Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron and also represent the US Marine Corps and they're totally badass.
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This is freaky as heck. About halfway through, the crab actually exits his own shell fresh with a new one. Sometimes I wish I could do this and get a new body - It would mean i could eat all the KFC i wanted to!
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Freeline skating is intended to give the user the feeling of skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, and inline skates all in one. Skates consist of two separate metal plates with two wheels attached.
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