RECENT TAGS | About Launched in Mid 2004, rising quickly to become one of the more well known video sites of the day.Since them the internet has changed a LOT, especially with the arrival of YouTube, FaceBook & Twitter. aBum has managed to adapt to the way these global sites have impacted the way internet users surf the web. We still do however the same primary thing we set out to achieve at the outset of creating this website - Showcasing the best content that the web has to offer. Please keep coming back and supporting the site, our core motive for this is still to have fun doing what we do. | HOT LINKSFriday, Jan 29Is It Pleasure Or Pain?Click here for R-rated hotlinks. Wednesday, Dec 30The 8 Spiders You Eat In Your SleepClick here for R-rated hotlinks. Friday, Oct 16Redneck Life-Hacks100 Days of DanceSurfer Picks Up Epic WaveThe Walking Dead' S5 Recapped in 7 MinsClick here for R-rated hotlinks. |