Incredible Sports Photography
With the right camera, a badass lens and some serious photography skills you can almost make golf look exciting. Impressive stuff. Apply that to a genuinely exciting sport and the pics are trouser moisteningly good.
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It's Monday again and time for our weekly pic dump. A strange and completely unconnected series of seriously funny images for you to browse through while your brain comes to terms with the loss of the weekend. Enjoy!
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Cowboy builders & bodge-job-artists the world over stand united and protest against the nanny-state health & safety regulations they're forced to endure. Here are some of their anti-safety campaign banners. OMG
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It's what you get when you combine college girls full of hormones, no parents and LOTS of alchohol. This is one very good reason why you should study hard to get a university education gentlemen - Let's PARTY!!!
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Lets face it, they chew your furniture & shoes, attract dirt like they are magnetized, eat anything and throw up what doesn't seem to get digested and hump the leg of the person who will be the most offended. But. We love them more than words can say.
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Laziness might not sound like a positive attribute, but it can inspire some serious creativity! Who knew? Some of these examples were doomed to failure from the get-go, but others are borderline genius.
Comments: 33
Advertising is balls. It's a fact. When you see a branded bit of content you tend to sigh heavily and attempt to block out the messages, jingles and catchphrases. It's about time someone subverted them in the name of lolz!
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It makes the world go round, it can't buy you love (actually i think it can), and it's the root of all evil (apparently), OR, it can be folded - A seriously creative use of Origami - I have a feeling the Queen of England would not be amused !
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It's an intimate sneek-peek at the internets favourite girl next door pinup. It's been years since she took her top off on the Jerry Springer show - Still, i'm not gonna complain :)
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Craig Tracy has probably created one of the best and most sought after jobs in the world. Not only does he get to paint ON nekkid ladies all day, he gets respect as an artist, this man is a true genius.
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What better combo could there possibly be?. There's something about a babe with a weapon, it instantly gives her attitude despite the fact she doesn't know how to take the safety off.
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