Toys Made From Kids Art
Not sure whether these would sell too well or even if they'd past safety regulations, but they're pretty damn cool. Created to the precise blueprints of tiny hands and simple minds, each one is unique.
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As my dad used to say, "let sleeping girls lie", or was that dogs, who cares! There is something mesmerizing watching a cutie cuddle up and close her eyes - I LOVE the total vulnerability of a female when she is fast asleep.
Comments: 0
Ever wondered what celebrities would look like with gigantic conks? Yeah, me neither, but thanks to photoshop and someone who has far too much free time, now we know! Just something else we have the internet to thank for!
Comments: 3
Movie magic really is a hell of a thing. They can take an average looking actor and turn him into a 7 foot tall monster, or a midget with hairy feet. Also they can take Chuck Norris and make him look like, well, Chuck Norris. Amazing.
Comments: 0
I dunno, but there is something slightly attractive and dangerous happening at the same time here? Maybe it's a 'no pleasure without pain' kinda thang? For those of you who love babes with some serious mouth machinery !
Comments: 0
There comes a point in every mans life when trying to stay in shape is an uphill struggle and you might as well just give in to the Gut. If you're going to grow your own then it might as well be one that's big enough to rest a pint on!
Comments: 9
Hot women in sports jerseys! You know the scene: tight bods wrapped in tiny tops, taught midriff, ponytail cap, big SMILE. It what we in the trade like to term Jock Fodder. Right, now who wants to down a yard of Jager and sit on our lap, eh?
Comments: 139
The Simpsons has been on our TV sets since the mid 1800s so it's quite a surprise that nobody has thought of doing a gallery like this until now. There's probably loads of similar ones you could do as well...
Comments: 4
Not only are these off-putting but they a simply the most cringingly, hilrariously awful covers imaginable, and every single one of them is genuine. I don't know about you but I want a copy of that Tractor men one...
Comments: 626
Context! It's super important, because without it things can just look really weird—and some perfect examples of what happens when there's no context is this series of photos, where no one understands what's going on.
Comments: 1
Geeky gamer girls are a rare breed. These she-nerds could be the real deal or they could be of the Olivia Munn "will geek for $$$" variety. To be honest though I'm not sure if I really care.
Comments: 712