Sexy Motorcycle Racing Beauties!
One of the fringe benefits of being a motorcycle racer is the attraction of beautiful hotties! These girls just love those crotch-rockets!
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Photographer Andy Lee uses an interesting technique to capture stunning photos of the Icelandic landscape in a painterly fashion—he uses a lens that picks up infrared light.
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We all have friends of the opposite sex, right? You know the kind, the one you pour your soul out to when you are drunk and keep an eye on when she is drunk...The one you secretly want to date, but you know she just wants to be friends.
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You meet a different class of female at conventions. It breaks the ice about conversation starters - you already know they are into the same thing you are. Genius.
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Jeebus, if i ever knew i would be quoting Grease lyrics to describe seriously hawt chicks & summer when i was a kid then i would have converted to a Jehovah's Witnesses on the spot - WTF!?!
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It's the ultimate partnership in the galaxy...far far away. A combination of the wise (but dirty-minded) Yoda from Star Wars and the unbridled humor of Tumblr. The force is stong with this one - "Said that she did!"
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Lets face it, if you are going to get something permanently marked onto your body for life it might as well be useful, something like a shopping list, the name of your mother-in-law, or your girlfriends b/day. Stuff like that!
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Sometimes our base animal instincts rise up out of nowhere and we behave like dogs sniffing around another canine's rear quarters, only humans are so much more evolved, so we just stare wide-eyed and drool!
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A random bunch of über-hot non-fishfaces that we can all agree are ball-achingly SUPER-HOT. Hotter than salsa dancing on the moon in an acrylic jumpsuit. Hotter than sitting on a barbecue dressed as Jabba the Hut. Etc.
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A colorful collection of wasted chicks who still manage to look cute with their heads stuck down the toilet bowl & vomit coming out of their mouths! It's amazing there was still someone left standing to capture this with a camera!
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Ruining other people's earnest attempts at phtography. Pull a stunt like one of these and you can turn a dreary group photo into an infinitely more awesome image.
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