Worst Book Covers Ever
Not only are these off-putting but they a simply the most cringingly, hilrariously awful covers imaginable, and every single one of them is genuine. I don't know about you but I want a copy of that Tractor men one...
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It's the most lethal combination known to any young teenager, the risks are just too high to take a chance. It might be uncool to drink and drive, but doing something as foolish as drinking with your buds is insane.
Comments: 6
Girls, can't live with them (why is that?) and certainly can't live without them, but why stop at just 1? We have searched high & low on the internetz in order to compile a collection of cheeky cuties doing things that we all love them to do :)
Comments: 0
I once had a position in a lettuce factory and it was my job to peel off the outer leaves and cut it down the middle, then pass it on. I lasted a day. And it wasn't like I was sucking the cr*p out of festival toilets either. Crap jobs, eh?
Comments: 743
It just looks like a hive of scum and villainy or like something out of a Judge Dredd comic, but this city is actually for really realz. Densely populated and largely ungoverned, it is truly unique.
Comments: 43
That swimsuit colour really brings out his eyes and compliments his Rubenesque body, one for the spank bank...But in all seriousness, let hope for the sake of all humanity he doesn't do Playboy.
Comments: 0
These cosplayers are mos def doing it right, from sexy femme costumes to just plain badass outfits that look just like the characters they're based on. These people are full of win.
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Take some anime or a movie, then get it subtitled by someone with a thing grasp of the English language. It might not be to everybody's tastes, i guess it really depends on how silly your sense of humour is.
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And on the seventh day, the men looked up to the heavens and cursed the Lord. "What have we done to deserve such a meagre, blighted existence" they drivelled. "Please show us you love us!" And the Lord gave them Yoga pants.
Comments: 28
You know the one i'm talking about, she's a one in a million cutie. One things for sure, I'd much rather end up stranded on magical island with a girl like that, but then that's an entirely different story...
Comments: 0
The word 'weird' really doesn't do justice to some of these. They are without doubt the most ridiculous and bizarre collection of wedding day snaps that has ever been assembled. Happiest day of their lives?
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