Incredible Sports Photography
With the right camera, a badass lens and some serious photography skills you can almost make golf look exciting. Impressive stuff. Apply that to a genuinely exciting sport and the pics are trouser moisteningly good.
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More hotties from Comic-Con. Because I just can't get enough of these awesome babes!
Comments: 408
You have to question how you came to have some really unusual social problems when you are amongst your peers & friends. 'Where the hell did i go wrong', you may ask? Well, the usual suspects might just be your parents!?
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The nine Best Picture Oscar nominees have been given a LEGO makeover. Posters for Gravity, Philomena, Her, Captain Phillips, Nebraska, Dallas Buyers Club, 12 Years a Slave, American Hustle and The Wolf of Wall Street have all been recreated.
Comments: 40
Some people are definitely on a completely different wavelength than the rest of us and what they take for normal everyday activities would send the rest of us running for the hills. It's a very strange planet we live on.
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It's an important event in any young persons life that they try their hardest to get into college and do their best with their parents hard-earned cash. Not to study, but to have fun. And of course drink LOTS of beer. Lots.
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Forget everything you have ever learned about bespecled ladies, it's all lies. These four eyed females are some of the most freakiest, wildest women around. Don’t you want to know what is really behind those thick-rimmed spectacles?
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Girls, can't live with them (why is that?) and certainly can't live without them, but why stop at just 1? We have searched high & low on the internetz in order to compile a collection of cheeky cuties doing things that we all love them to do :)
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A colorful collection of wasted women who still manage to look cute with their heads stuck down the toilet bowl & vomit coming out of their mouths! It's amazing there was still someone left standing to capture this with a camera!
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So here it is, the day of the week that feels like your human reset button has been engaged and life returns to, well, exactly the same as it did last week. That only leaves you 7 days to f#ck it all up again. Meanwhile, here are some pics.
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If you were lucky enough to be in the vicinity of San Diego. CA. in the last week you couldn't have failed to notice some strange goings-on. Hollywood might have gone to a very dark place this year, but not these girls.
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