Big Ass Animals
I've seen some oversize animals before but some of these are total nightmare fuel. A cricket that's big enough to chomp a whole carrot? A crab the size of a dustbin? Oh god. I think I just pooped a little.
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Some People Just Want To Watch The World Burn - If you have a friend with OCD and want to troll them real good, you could do worse than to copy some of these pranks.
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I never really understood the whole point of Twitter until I saw some of these Tweet-ettes. All you need to do to really get the most out of this social networking platform is follow some luscious ladies who like to flaunt their feathers.
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Cometh the DuckMen! It's time to facepalm hard & not want to live on this planet anymore because Duckface disease has now started to permeate into the human males of the species. We're well & truly 'ducked' people. Be afraid.
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When it comes to ladies it's the magical number that mathematical nerds and religious freaks alike have worshiped for all eternity, the all-hallowed 'Holy Trinity' of hawtness. Prepare yourself for some triple-tastic women worship!
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Goes to Christina Hendricks! Thank god someone is trying to bring back this awesomely curvacious look!
Comments: 1
Obligatory NOMs all round, I could probably manage 2 or 3 with some fried onions. But after that I would've had my fill and I'd probably move on to a nice tasty dessert of chocolate cheese cat. Then maybe some bees and biscuits.
Comments: 3
It's a well known fact among scientists that alcohol makes women go wild - So expanding the realms of human knowledge we have compiled a gallery of drunk girls so you can examine this purely scientific effect yourselves !
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Yep, it's that time again, time to sit back and let the drinks flow, the music play and the party to get into full swing. Then the moment you've patiently waited for arrives as it all mixes together - Babe MAYHEM!
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Sometimes when you are taking a photograph the camera records an action event at precisely the right moment and shows the scene in a way that would never be possible to see as it was happening. Awesome.
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Finally, a showdown between priceless works of art and their natural enemy, the humble house cat. Centuries old masterpieces versus the relatively new phenomenon that is the LOLcat. Which looks better? Only one way to find out!
Comments: 3