Incredible Sports Photography
With the right camera, a badass lens and some serious photography skills you can almost make golf look exciting. Impressive stuff. Apply that to a genuinely exciting sport and the pics are trouser moisteningly good.
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There's a fine line between an amazing tattoo on a chick & a 'tramp stamp' that separates something guys want to drool at & a girl to be avoided - Here's examples of ladies that have got it just right!
Comments: 0
It's strange, yet so a strange way - You get what i mean! A gallery of images that are undoubtedly beautiful, incredibly well shot and also so strange that some of them look almost alien. Enjoy.
Comments: 0
Two of the planet's greatest things paid up at last! Nothing brings out the hotties quite like motorcycle racing! Here's a great collection of some of the team girls!
Comments: 247
Two horribly plastic faced peas in pod. An eerie pod. This kinda reminds me of that film Mimic. It's like an alien approximation of what people might look like. Almost right but just off by enough to look totally creepy.
Comments: 3,448
There are few feelings as awesome as knowing that everyone in the room wants a piece. These guys have all gone from big to buff and they've got the photographs to prove it. Inspiring stuff and some amazing changes.
Comments: 1,107
Here's something interesting to put in your house, a Tessla coil, just one tiny little mistake & it's crispy human time. Still, it does look kinda awesome so maybe it's worth taking a risk over? I would!
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There's nothing cuter than an overly competitive cute chick who could kick your head in with here abs alone.... oh no, wait a minute-thats a total bloody nightmare. Prepare to be threatened, I would too, if my girlfriend had a larger biceps than me.
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I'm guessing that if you're a busy hard-working journalist with deadlines to meet then sometimes you just don't notice the perverted prose you are inadvertently writing, or then again, maybe you do!?
Comments: 0
It's quite possibly more than any mortal man could probably take in one go, imagine, a double-dose of booty-bewb beautifulness! If you haven't got enough up in the front for regular cleavage why not try some booty cleavage?
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You'd think with names like these, they shouldn't have even thought about going into politics. But despite being totally ludicrous, the public will probably vote for them just for a laugh. It worked for Boris Johnson.
Comments: 2,351