Ladies And Planes Are A Winning Combination
It's an odd combination but a strangely pleasing one. Attractive women in flight suits, attractive women in flight suits next to planes, women in cocktail dresses next to planes. ME GUSTA.
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Nothing can stop these young whooper-snappers from conquering brave new worlds on their trusty mounts! Tomorrow's generation has NO fear!
Comments: 569
If you are ever considering going head to head with a ball then remember this valuable lesson, balls have no shame, feel no pain and secretly they enjoy re-moulding your face on impact! It's flawless victory to the balls.
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No other acronym accurately and succinctly summarises what is going on in each and ever single one of these photographs. What is going on here? We don't know. And we don't want to know. The only thing for sure is 'WTF!?!'
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Ok, i know what you are all thinking, grab a branch from the ugly tree and beat her until she loses all of the lard she is carrying and starts to look better. WRONG! Stand back & look & you will be amazed!
Comments: 647
Prepare to witness some seriously hardcore work safety code violations that will get you reaching for a hardhat and staring in wonder at the genius that went into thinking that this was a safe way to perform a task. Epic.
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Sometimes it can be hard on these cold, dark winter days to try and remember what sunshine, sea and seriously cute girls in bikinis ever felt or looked like - Here is some inviting imagery to raise the temperature!
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In recent interwebs news, Canadian ISP's want to ridiculously increase caps and overuse charges, bad luck Canadians! (don't worry, we can say what we want about them, they won't be able to afford to load this page!
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Yep, it's that time of the week again. Time to sit down, gather your thoughts and let us squeeze a great big dollop of internet into your brain space. It's full of truly random pictures, each hand picked for their lolz quotient. Enjoy.
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Not only are these off-putting but they a simply the most cringingly, hilrariously awful covers imaginable, and every single one of them is genuine. I don't know about you but I want a copy of that Tractor men one...
Comments: 626
Summer's here (at last) and now that we've all got used to that yellow disk in the sky radiating heat and other caner-inducing particles, we suddenly realise it's not the best weather for surfing the interwebs. B4 you melt, here are some pics.
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