Worst Book Covers Ever
Not only are these off-putting but they a simply the most cringingly, hilrariously awful covers imaginable, and every single one of them is genuine. I don't know about you but I want a copy of that Tractor men one...
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If you like lots of pictures of the same hot woman in lots of ever-so-slightly different bikinis, then we've got a real treat in store for you here. If this chick isn't a catalog model, then she's definitely got the skills.
Comments: 653
Oh for those bygone days when everything was simple and internet was young. If you were a kid in the 80's or 90's, prepare to experience some extreme nostalgia. You might not know all of them, but you're bound to know at least one.
Comments: 0
Think about it before you turn away in horror, all good things come in pint-size packages. Honest! They have just as much right to express their sexuality as anyone else, and lets face it, there are definitely 'certain' advantages to be explored!
Comments: 0
There's something magically beautiful about the mixture of hot chicks, nerdy costumes and tons of cleavage! Thank god for Comic-Con!
Comments: 390
I like to party, you know, everybody does! Well at least that's what the song says & if I'm in the party mood, which is pretty much all the time, then I like to be surrounded by hawt chicks!
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The weekend is dead. It's monday morning which means it's time to get up wipe the crust from your eyes and stagger to the porcelain throne that is Slacker Network for the most important dump of the week. Our pic dump.
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A random bunch of über-hot non-fishfaces that we can all agree are ball-achingly SUPER-HOT. Hotter than salsa dancing on the moon in an acrylic jumpsuit. Hotter than sitting on a barbecue dressed as Jabba the Hut. Etc.
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The massive earthquake which rocked Japan was 8000 times more powerful than the one that devastated Christchurch in New Zealand last month with a magnitude of 8.9, triggering a 10 metre-high tsunami.
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You would think a virgin would grab the opportunity to grab some flesh but it seems that evolution has come up with a way seperating the men from the boys on this matter, obvious signs are 'hover hand' and outright body awkwardness!
Comments: 0
Lets face it, when it comes to photography, the difference between a yawn-tastic photo & a sublime work of pure awesomeness is all about the right angle - Witness everyday normality transformed before your very eyes !
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