Behind The Facehuggers
Ridley Scott's iconic sci-fi horror has been the bench mark of all scary alien based movies since it's release in 1979. If you're a fan and haven't seen these behind-the-scenes shots, you're in for a treat.
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Some of these are pure genius. How else can you get Mr. T doing phallic insertions into your PC?
Comments: 2
It really is true what they say about 'What is seen can never be unseen!', because no matter how much someone tried to put any of these photos in context it wouldn't cahnge your formed opinion of 'WTF!?!'
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Don't think that taking candid pictures of yourself for use on Facbook & Twitter is just restricted to us mere mortals, it seems like the celeb clique has caught on and wants in on the action as well. they aren't so different after all.
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If the old saying that "clothes maketh the man" rings true, then it can definitely be said that "sweaters maketh the maiden" when it comes to the opposite sex. Proof that wearing more is definitely less. If you follow me.
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Finally, a showdown between priceless works of art and their natural enemy, the humble house cat. Centuries old masterpieces versus the relatively new phenomenon that is the LOLcat. Which looks better? Only one way to find out!
Comments: 3
More truthful titles to popular movies. If movies were titled this truthfully in the first place, perhaps it could have saved us some money!
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Shoichi Uchiyama the chef, considers spiders to be the finest insect sushi, "Domestic spiders are large at this time of year and the females are carrying their young in their stomachs, so they're both tasty and healthy"
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Koen Demuynck is a Belgian photographer who heavily uses Photoshop in his work, turning subject matter into a completely new weird reality - His surreal creations have been used in advertising campaigns all across Europe - Seeing is believing !
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A gallery of well known video game characters as they would have been depicted in traditional Japanese art. Artist Jed Henry has been doing this series for a while now, but he's finally got enough of them together to run them as a collection.
Comments: 1
Ahhh, where would we be without our comrades from the land of the hammer, sickle and so much 'WTF!?!' it's incredible. Where the rest of the world operates in one particular way, you can rely on Russia to do it differently.
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