Terrible Taxidermy
Dead animals stuffed with sand is kind of a grim concept. I don't know who came up with it but I'll wager they wet the bed well into their twenties. Strangely enough taxidermy actually gets better, the worse it gets. Observe;
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Nobody does f#&k YEAH better than the Americans, everything they turn their hand to they have an ability to do it like a BOSS. The only problem is, along with the good stuff, it's exactly the same with the bad. GO USA!
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It's the ultimate partnership in the galaxy...far far away. A combination of the wise (but dirty-minded) Yoda from Star Wars and the unbridled humor of Tumblr. The force is stong with this one - "Said that she did!"
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This should be an advertisement for the stuff. It doesn't matter what it is that's broken, if you use enough duct tape you can get it working again. If the CERN super collider was broken you know what those scientists would be reaching for...
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Pets are good at certain things, like licking their crotches, shedding on your clothes and getting under your feet before you manage to reach the lightswitch, but ask then to fix your car and they're utterly useless.
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Joy of joys! Now this is what makes a great picture, not one single duck-face in sight and just a winning smile, look, asset, whatever is making the subject matter in question 'stand out' from the crowd. WANT!
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Time to witness pure evil, right down to correctly applied eyeliner, torn fishnets, asymmetric hair and a huge appetite for cake. Some of these guys have got the side-swept bangs which cover one or both eyes down to a tee!
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If you're not a fan of seriously hairy ladies then you are about to enter the revolting realm of upchuck central. I'm not averse to a bit of body hair but when they have more than me it's just a bit weird.
Comments: 212
How do you make some of the most famous entertainers look like your average Oklahoman? Well, actually it's not as hard as you think it would be, just a change of clothes and a new hairdo and your there. Kind of.
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There's nothing quite like the awesome light show and booming thunder of a good thunderstorm to make you look in awe and scare the crap out of you. Here's some interesting shots taken from some very unique storms!
Comments: 37
Winter's coming & it can be hard on these cold, dark winter days to try and remember what sunshine, sea and seriously cute girls in bikinis ever felt or looked like - Here is some inviting imagery to raise the temperature!
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