Celebrity Teen Heartthrobs Then & Now!
These young celeb studs had all the young girls dreaming about them. What do they look like now? Some look very different and some look almost the same!
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Well...it's epic isn't it? When these people thought about the image they wanted to project, do you think they cared what anyone thought, about society & its "rules". Do you even think they get ready with a light on? Of course not.
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I'd put my 'chen' on her 'bund'. I honestly don't even know what that was supposed to mean. I think it was just meant to sound vaguely sexual. Yep. I want to do vaguely sexual things to this woman.
Comments: 1
The world is indeed a wonderful place. Behold the advantages of mixed-gender dorms opening up at a college near you. If you are lucky enough to be attending one of these then these are some famillar sights. Sigh.
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A colorful collection of wasted women who still manage to look cute with their heads stuck down the toilet bowl & vomit coming out of their mouths! It's amazing there was still someone left standing to capture this with a camera!
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Not only are these off-putting but they a simply the most cringingly, hilrariously awful covers imaginable, and every single one of them is genuine. I don't know about you but I want a copy of that Tractor men one...
Comments: 626
Whether is was a result of luck or skill, it's kinda irrelevant, what was captured was taken at exactly the right moment, capturing something that the human eye would miss and could never be repeated. Awesome.
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I once had a position in a lettuce factory and it was my job to peel off the outer leaves and cut it down the middle, then pass it on. I lasted a day. And it wasn't like I was sucking the cr*p out of festival toilets either. Crap jobs, eh?
Comments: 743
Don't go jumping to conclusions, assuming in any way that it might have a sexual orientation. This is waay more hardcore, featuring people in various states of extreme FAIL trying to attempt a task. It's kinda like work pr0n.
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Judging from these pictures though, some are more different than others. Also some are pretty damn weird. In this gallery there's maybe one that wouldn't terrify me if I woke up next to it. Some brilliant pictures though...
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Some people will do anything to gain their their parent's attention and in the process seriosuly hamper their chances of ever working in the service industry. Extreme just got EXTREME!
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