Celebrity Teen Heartthrobs Then & Now!
These young celeb studs had all the young girls dreaming about them. What do they look like now? Some look very different and some look almost the same!
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There is NO doubt about it, this is probably one of the cutest chicks on the face of this Earth - She could make garbage look appealing!
Comments: 9
Females, sometimes there's no logic to them, however much you try to rationalize it, the best thing is to let them get on with it (if it involves interaction with you), whatever it is the hell they think they're doing?
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Lets face it, people are a very strange fruit, sure we are all prone to behavining as a norm in everyday situations, but change the background picture, or calmness into chaos and it seems like little changes.
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I think the people who made these may need a few more classes in the art of taxidermy, or maybe they're animal haters who as children were mercilessly mocked by the natural kingdom & now it's time for them to exact their revenge - WTF!?!
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You have to question how you came to have some really unusual social problems when you are amongst your peers & friends. 'Where the hell did i go wrong', you may ask? Well, the usual suspects might just be your parents!?
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Now here's a great idea that should really should be taken to every subway station on the planet. Why aren't all subways packed with 8-bit style artwork? It makes for some awesome nostalgia moments.
Comments: 313
Forget everything you have ever learned about bespecled ladies, it's all lies. These four eyed females are some of the most freakiest, wildest women around. Don’t you want to know what is really behind those thick-rimmed spectacles?
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You really wouldn't think it could be that hard to avoid sounding like a paedophile or rapist organisation by choosing the right domain name for your company website, but how WRONG you would be - Time for some truly EPIC cockups'!
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As the summer (yes, it really does exist) draws nearer, one respite is that the clothes worn gets fewer and at last, those pale bits of our bodies were only consigned to areas of our body that rarely saw the sun come out to play.
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Wedgies are bad enough wearing men's underwear, now take a moment to imagine how much that's gotta hurt with thongs...OUCH!
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