Hot Girls In Bikinis Doing The Baywatch Run!
No one can do it quite like Pamela Anderson, but these hotties give it their best try! Any of them can come rescue me and give me mouth to mouth any time!
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It got pretty damn hot at points over this summer and watching people dealing with the heat in their own way is funny as hell. But watching animals deal with the high temperatures is even funnier.
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It's a harsh world out there, one that craps on your dreams & punches you in the face with the cold hard truth. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world. Deal with it :(
Comments: 0
WHAT UP, SLACKERS!? It's that time of the week again. Time for a dump of unparalleled proportions. Seriously, if this was measured on the Southpark scale of enormity it would weigh in at at least 12 Courics. Enjoy your Week.
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With the weather being so insanely hot we thought we'd try and cool you down with these babes eating popsicles. But thinking about it now it could well have the opposite effect and get you even hotter under the collar. Oh well, enjoy!
Comments: 428
The Simpsons has been on our TV sets since the mid 1800s so it's quite a surprise that nobody has thought of doing a gallery like this until now. There's probably loads of similar ones you could do as well...
Comments: 4
Did these people get dressed in the dark or what!? With so much clothing available in every high street, it makes you wonder what went through the minds of these folks when they got dressed that morning. Surreal.
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Sometimes our base animal instincts rise up out of nowhere and we behave like dogs, sniffing around another canine's rear quarters, only humans are so much more evolved, so we just stare wide-eyed and drool.
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These girls seem to enjoy giving thong wedgies & the recipients seem to enjoy it too?? In a dude's world a wedgie done properly = blood and sh#t on your underwear & social death!
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It's weird to think that in the age of iTunes & MP3 playes that some of the younger generation will have no idea what an LP album cover looks like, for the rest of us it was an age of fun and really getting into the music.
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As Cyndi Lauper shrewdly remarked, 'Girls just wanna have fun, oh girls, just wanna have fun. That's all they really want!' And when you're on vacation it's all about having fun, and these girls look like they know how to do that!
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