Hot Girls In Bikinis Doing The Baywatch Run!
No one can do it quite like Pamela Anderson, but these hotties give it their best try! Any of them can come rescue me and give me mouth to mouth any time!
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Before you all get carried away, either with excitement, anger, or fear, let us reassure you that these are most likely not the virgins you're looking for. But they should make you feel better about yourself. Unless you're one of them.
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Sometimes when you are taking a photograph the camera records an action event at precisely the right moment and shows the scene in a way that would never be possible to see as it was happening. Awesome.
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As the old saying goes, "you don't look at the mantel when you're poking the fire" - I guess you could avoid the horror with a brown paper bag, or better yet, a Halloween mask :(
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A wedding just wouldn't be a wedding without a selection of hilariously photobombed snaps of the happy couple. Here are some of the best examples we could find of album ruining awesomeness. Enjoy!
Comments: 4
If attractiveness was a mathematical equation then the amount of skin on display would be an all important ratio. That's why women look so much better when summer rolls around and they disrobe a bit.
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If the subways around here were even a fraction of how cool this is, no one would mind taking it! Even graffiti artists would probably not touch it. It is truly impressive.
Comments: 214
More evidence (as if any was needed), or maybe it's some last-minute revision of the inextricable correlation between the ambient temperature and the attractiveness of the native females. Hot weather = hot women. Fact.
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Get ready for a collection of America-mocking image macros. If you're a humorless Amerifag then you'd better look away now as you're about to be characterized as fat and stupid by some LOL-inspiring imagery.
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So all you are doing is trying to take a nice ordinary, everyday picture of your friends and before you know it some major celebrity is trying to get in on the action by goofing off in the background and photobombing you. Pfft.
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Jeebus, if i ever knew i would be quoting Grease lyrics to describe seriously hawt chicks & summer when i was a kid then i would have converted to a Jehovah's Witnesses on the spot - WTF!?!
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