Awesome Sports Photos
A gallery of sports photos that give an impressive new perspective. Maybe it's the fishbowl lens they're using or the way the pictures are framed, but each and every one is awesome to look at. Especially the upside-down skydiving one.
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Every single one of these 36 images fit that description to a T. If you can explain away any of the abstract weirdness exhibited in this gallery then you're a better man than me.
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As if performing in-front of millions of sports fans wasn't stressful enough, now atheletes have to make sure they get their photo-pose just right too. Prepare to fear the telephoto lens and it's evil ways!
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Partying is fine but unless you're partying hard there's really no point. It's like they always say: If you're not absolutely bombed then you might as well not exist. Everyone here knows that & follows that mantra to the letter.
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There's no hotter football fans than the University of Florida fans! These girls love to show off their colors in a proud fashion! I obviously went to the wrong state for my education :(
Comments: 9
Those pesky aliens from the Half-Life game have been infiltrating art works from bygone eras, and they will not stop! You could look at it as some form of artistic sabotage or you could look on it as an improvement. We're all doomed!
Comments: 133
Yes! Go grandpa, just because he's a tenth of your age does not mean you don't put that mofo to the floor, sport's sport, there's no fair play, just winners and losers, and who do you want to be? That's right, winners! ROFL.
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Question: How do you make a hawt chick hotter? EASY, you get her to take off all her clothes, put on an 'optional' bikini and jump into a hot tub!
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There is something very spicy about the way this spicy Mexican beauty wears her body - You wouldn't kick her out of bed just for leaving taco crumbs !
Comments: 358
Lets face it,, if you can find a girl who is willing to sit through all 6 episodes of Star Wars and then dress as one of the characters you are in with a very good chance of penetrating her hidden rebel base!
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You can always tell who they are because luckily they'll have a tattoo that looks similar to one of these resting just above their buttocks. So if you get chatting to a hawt girl at the club, ask her to bend over before you get to the bedroom.
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