Awesome Sports Photos
A gallery of sports photos that give an impressive new perspective. Maybe it's the fishbowl lens they're using or the way the pictures are framed, but each and every one is awesome to look at. Especially the upside-down skydiving one.
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A full century of attractive pictures of ladies heralding from the 4 corners of the internets. Every single one is worthy of some serious mouth dribbling. Phew!
Comments: 0
Let's say your beloved mutt managed to grow some thumbs and was able to use a cellphone—it would probably be a very bad thing because you'd end up getting texts like this ALL THE FRIKKIN TIME.
Comments: 33
A picture paints a thousand words and that's definitely true if it just happens to be snapped at precisely the right (or wrong, depending on how you view it) moment to make the image as memorable as it could possibly be! Enjoy.
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Whether you're a tattoo newbie or a professional tattoo aritst, our tattoo art and tattoo photos are an invaluable source of inspiration for your next tattoo. Remember, if you get it wrong it's game-over!
Comments: 7
For some of us that sit at a computer all day, having the odd slice (or 10) of pizza to keep us going, the thought of shedding the pounds and toning up to a six-packed muscle-bound human might seem impossible. Apparently though it isnt.
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It never fails that there's always someone sitting there waiting with a camera every time someone gets drunk and fails miserably - luckily for us!
Comments: 85
If you have mastered the art of photobombing then you might be ready for a new challenge. The skill to master is to put yourself in 'front' of the subject matter, rather than behind. It's a hard skill to master!
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Cowboy builders & bodge-job-artists the world over stand united and protest against the nanny-state health & safety regulations they're forced to endure. Here are some of their anti-safety campaign banners. OMG
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These cosplayers are mos def doing it right, from sexy femme costumes to just plain badass outfits that look just like the characters they're based on. These people are full of win.
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Forget 'when animals attack!', the new trend in the critter community is to prove that humans are not the only species capable of interrupting a snapshot. Enter the masters of photo-disaster, the photobombing animals!
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